CMAC Summer School 2024
CMAC staff and students recently gathered at the Hilton Dunblane Hydro Hotel for CMAC’s annual Summer School, a week-long event featuring workshops, seminars, and networking opportunities.
This event allows participants to collaborate with talented professionals, receive insightful training, and stay updated on the latest innovations in medicines manufacturing.
On the first two days of Summer School, Marie Ranson and Joanne Hagerty from Skillfluence delivered a session titled Ideas2Impact. This dynamic skills development programme provides PhD students with the tools and skills needed to increase their confidence and competencies related to innovation and commercialisation.
Day three of summer school began with a hands-on workshop, "More Accurate Particle Size Distribution Extraction using Deep Learning," delivered by John Armstrong, Mohammad Salehian, and Christopher Boyle. During the morning session, CMAC PhDs and PDRAs had the opportunity to explore a new tool for measuring the particle size distribution of a powder using Morphologi instruments. Following this session, attendees had the opportunity to learn more about LabVIEW programming and its integration with sensors, actuators, and controllers, thanks to Faisal Abbas, Muhammad Ahmad Saleem, and Sahil Salekar.
On the final day, Faisal Abbas, Magdalene Chong, and Victor Portela focused on the endless possibilities of AR technologies within the Pharma sector, showcasing the HoloLens devices. CMAC’s PhD students and PDRAs participated in poster sessions, providing an opportunity to showcase their research. This was followed by a sustainability workshop presented by Nicola Voiculescu, Rachel Feeney, and Thomas McGlone, where they discussed the current CMAC sustainability measures and future plans. CMAC’s Associate Director, Blair Johnston, delivered an engaging presentation on his entrepreneurial journey since ULab Equipment Ltd was launched as a spinout of the University of Strathclyde in 2011. Finally, Jonathan Moores reminded us of the importance of and tools available for engaging with industry. The day concluded with prize-giving sessions for the poster presentations, followed by dinner and a ceilidh.
CMAC would like to thank the Summer School 2024 event organisers, Elba Becerra Mallo and Wendy Brown, for creating a memorable and educational experience for all participants.