Want to shape the future of work in medicines manufacturing? Join us online and contribute your thoughts on the skills we'll need to develop.
Like many industries, pharmaceutical manufacturing is experiencing a transformation through the increased development and use of digital technologies, such as AI, robotics and virtual or augmented reality.
We often hear how new technological advancements will transform jobs in the manufacturing sector as a whole, but what does this mean for the future of work in pharmaceutical manufacturing both on an individual and collective level? Part of the challenge facing medicines manufacturers in the UK and beyond is understanding how today’s jobs and skills will lend themselves to new opportunities created by the implementation of these new advanced technologies.
The pace of technological change raises many interesting questions for academics, policy makers and employers:
How can the sector prepare people to work alongside new technologies, robots, and co-bots?
What are the essential skills for future pharmaceutical manufacturing workplaces and how can we enable these through training and education?
How can advanced technologies help generate and embed new ways of working by opening up career opportunities for otherwise hard-to-reach groups such as women, minorities, older workers and disabled people?
CMAC’s Digital Medicines Manufacturing team & the InterAct team at Strathclyde University are co-hosting an online session for those interested in these issues to share their views on them. We welcome you to take part in our open discussion to find out more and join the debate.