The Digital Design and Manufacture of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals (DDMAP) is a £1.2M EPSRC international Centre to Centre collaboration with CMAC, University of Strathclyde (UK), CPHarma, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and CESPE, Ghent University (Belgium).
With support from industry partners AstraZenca, CCDC and Sandoz, the project will deliver fundamental understanding of amorphous materials relating to real industrial challenges in medicines manufacturing, addressing research questions that underpin the selection, production and application of amorphous molecular solids in medicines development and manufacture.
DDMAP Research
The project commenced in February 2022 and the official kick-off meeting with all academic and industrial partners was held in November 2022. The project will deliver through its four work packages:
If you are interested in finding out more about DDMAP please contact Catriona Clark, DDMAP Project Manager, Catriona.clark@strath.ac.uk
Work Packages
Work Package 1
Structure and stability prediction of amorphous API and mc-A systems
Focussed on developing an amorphous database, an amorphous stability index (ASI) and solid-state structure determination of amorphous systems.
Work package Lead: Prof Alastair Florence
Work Package 2
Manufacturability and transformations in amorphous pharmaceuticals during processing.
Developing predictive methodology and tools for right-first-time amorphous pharmaceutical processing via Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) and exploiting advanced continuous processing and analytical capabilities to investigate transformations and stability of amorphous materials during secondary processing steps.
Work package Lead: Dr John Robertson
Work Package 3
In Vitro performance and prediction
Aims to understand the mechanisms and structural changes of drug release and to develop models for in vitro performance prediction from amorphous dosage forms.
Work package Lead: Dr Daniel Markl
Work Package 4
Delivering Impact for DDMAP
Aims to deliver engagement, outreach, dissemination and translation objectives of the project. Delivered through all partners and targeted media strategy, community workshops and promotion and training of project outputs.
The DDMAP Team
DDMAP Partners
Academic Partners
DDMAP is being delivered by a diverse team representing academic institutions from across Europe and industry.
Industry Partners
If you are interesting in finding out how to partner with us on this project please contact Catriona Clark, DDMAP Project Manager, Catriona.clark@strath.ac.uk