Project SCOUT
SCOUT is a free service for SMEs in life sciences, biochemical and chemical supply chain sectors, offering a range of services including;
Mapping a path to commercialisation.
Support with growth challenges by providing a clear plan, new networks and knowledge from industry experts.
Making links for SMEs to parallel supply chains and increase partnerships for regulatory, process technology and digital companies.
Support to overcome barriers to R&D investment.
What will SCOUT deliver?
SCOUT aims to accelerate and de-risk the growth of Scottish SMEs seeking or developing disruptive technologies. Eligible chemical and biochemical supply chain companies must have an operational presence in Scotland and meet de minimis criteria for ERDF support.

SCOUT Partners
This £882k project is part of the Advanced Manufacturing Challenge Fund, jointly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), managed by Scottish Enterprise, along with the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI), CMAC Future Manufacturing Research Hub (CMAC) and the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre, (IBioIC).
Get in touch with SCOUT
To find out more please contact CMAC for more information.